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uPVC Windows and Doors

We supply and fit replacement uPVC windows and doors (including composite, French and patio doors), in a variety of colours and styles to complement your home and help keep it warm and dry.

Benefits of uPVC double glazed windows and doors:

  • Low maintenance – uPVC window frames require very little maintenance and don’t need painting or sealing, they are also easy to clean.
  • Thermal insulation – The combination of uPVC window frames and double-glazing contributes significantly to the overall energy efficiency of a home and a more consistent internal temperature.
  • Acoustic insulation – uPVC double glazed windows and doors not only provide thermal insulation, they also help to cut down outside noise.
  • Durable – uPVC is very durable; many windows and doors installed over the past 25 years are still in use today.
  • Rot and salt erosion resistant – uPVC does not rot and is resistant to corrosion including salt erosion (in costal areas).
  • Security – uPVC windows and doors incorporate multi-locking systems that provide a high level of security.

To ensure the highest quality, Omar produce their own uPVC windows and doors at their head office and manufacturing facility in Brandon, Suffolk.

Whilst white frames are standard on most park homes and coloured frames are usually seen on lodges, a range of coloured frames are available.

We can also offer triple glazing with argon gas filled sealed units which provide improved heat retention and enhanced sound reduction.

Call 0333 733 1013, email us on info@omarrefurb.co.uk or fill in the form below for a free no-obligation quote today.

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