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Environmental Policy

The objective of our Environmental Management System is to ensure that we understand and effectively manage our business:

  • To minimise the potential environmental impact of our activities
  • To ensure that our operations contribute to sustaining the environment
  • To prevent damage to the environment

Our commitment extends to all our activities, wherever they take place, which have the potential to adversely affect the environment. We aim to prevent environmental damage, minimise our energy and resource usage and ensure that the principles of sustainable development are operated throughout Omar. We will therefore:

  • Commit adequate finance for the implementation, operation and continuing development of our Environmental Management System.
  • Comply with and wherever possible exceed the environmental requirements of appropriate legislative bodies and our customers.
  • Minimise and where reasonably practicable eliminate any adverse impact on the environment arising from the activities of our business.
  • Minimise the use of energy, resources consumed and waste produced while undertaking our business activities in a safe and professional manner.
  • Support the reuse and recycling of materials and ensure the legal disposal of all waste arising from the activities of the business.
  • Identify the significant environmental aspects and impacts from activities and services and, where we have direct control or can be expected to have an influence, update our Environmental Management System to control them.
  • Ensure that all employees whose work may create a significant impact upon the environment are provided with adequate and appropriate information and training and are competent in environmental matters.
  • Inform and train our employees in understanding and fulfilling our environmental responsibilities.
  • Establish and measure environmental performance against our objectives and targets
  • Strive to further improve our environmental performance and awareness.

How we undertake our business is therefore reviewed on a regular basis to consider alternative ways of working that may positively contribute to sustainable development of the environment.

Consideration will always be given to:

  • Reducing energy and resource use
  • Returning used resources
  • Recycling used resources
  • Reusing resources wherever possible
  • Redesigning processes / equipment
  • Designing out’ waste and energy conscious processes
  • Reducing incoming and outgoing packaging waste
  • Minimising travel and transportation
  • ‘End of life’ disposal
  • Purchasing from sustainable sources
  • Rethinking the way that we do business