Unlike buying a traditional bricks and mortar home, BS 3632 Park Homes and Lodges offer the flexibility to find the perfect location and then to choose your perfect home. We can help you to choose and specify your home and tailor it to your individual needs (Omar and Wessex BS 3632 park homes and lodges only).

Specifying your home
When specifying your home there are various considerations to bear in mind, not only of your requirements but of the parks. In order to ensure your park home or lodge fits in with its surroundings, some parks may specify colour of external cladding or style of home for example. The park might also have fantastic views from a particular aspect, so you may choose to have large windows to make the most of it. If a representative from the park isn’t present when you specify your home, we can get all this park specific information for you.
When it comes to actually choosing a model, you will be spoilt for choice. We have a wide range of styles, sizes and layouts, and all park homes and lodges from Omar and Wessex can be adapted to your individual needs. You may for example want a cat-flap fitted, having a utility room, walk-in-wardrobe or study may be important to you, or you may have additional needs and require low threshold doorways and turning circles for wheelchairs. All these things can be included.
It’s not just functionality to consider though; you can also specify the home to your own personal taste. Standard specification furnishings, soft furnishings and white goods can all be changed if they’re not to your taste.
When you have specified your home, the park will then be able to give you a turnkey price based on your choices.
Need to move quickly?
You might find that you need to move quickly so not have the time to go through the process of specifying your home. In these circumstances, we can also help. Our on-line Park Finder has a filter to search for park homes for sale already sited on parks throughout the UK. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, then it’s always worth calling or emailing us as new homes are arriving on parks all the time.