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The First Lady Of The Park Home Industry Glides Towards Retirement

Park Home Industry stalwart Anne Webb has announced that she is going to be easing back into retirement in the coming months.  Typically of Anne when we saw her off at the Park Home Magazine Dinner at Chesford Grange on the 8th June she told us she looks forward to seeing us at The Lawns, Cottingham in September.  

Anne has been a respected and revered pillar of the park home/lodge community for over 30 odd years, sorry Anne we didn’t mean to embarrass you!  Her views, opinions and reviews on the latest Park Home & Lodge models are respected, and eagerly awaited by manufacturers such as ourselves who greatly value the Webb seal of approval on our new models.  Anne goes about her business in a quiet and understated manner, nothing like myself and does the job with a smile on her face and a kind word for everyone.  We at Omar Park & Leisure Homes will very much miss working with her.  She has assured us that when she finally calls it a day in her professional capacity as a member of the park home and lodge fraternity, she won’t be a stranger. 

Anne Webb is a font of knowledge and has well considered, well thought out views, she has been absolute delight to work with. We wish her well for a well-earned retirement and we hope we have the chance to spend quality time with her for years to come.

Good luck and God bless Anne from the Omar team.

Paul Pleszko (Omar Chairman), Anne Webb & Steve Eakins from Country Homes Ltd, who will also be retiring this year.

Sue Perry, Anne Webb & Peter Leary (Omar Sales and Design Director)  

Dean Westmoreland

Chief Executive

Omar Park Homes Limited


01842 810 673
